2023 LCRI In-House Review Meeting and North East Zonal REFILS Workshop at Gov. Mai Mala Buni Conference Hall, NUJ Secretariat Damaturu

The 2023 In-house Review Meeting of Lake Chad Research Institute and the North-East Zonal REFILS Workshop was held from 22nd -24th May, 2023. The theme of the workshop wasPromoting Resilience in Millet for FoodSecurity, Poverty Reduction and Environmental Safety”. In attendance were stakeholders from National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs)namely NIFOR, NAPRI, NIFFR, NAERLS, Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs) in the Zone, Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN), University of Maiduguri, Federal University Gashua, Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology Baga, Yobe State University, Borno State University, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, ICRISAT Nigeria, and Farmers’ Associations.

The dignitaries present include; the Commissioner for Agriculture Yobe State Dr. Mairo Ahmed Amshi ably represented by the Director Agric Services Alhaji Yusuf Ibrahim Mohammed, Executive Secretary of ARCN, was ably represented by Prof. Bello Zaki Abubakar, the Commissioner for Agriculture Borno Dr. Ali Bunu Mustapha. The Keynote Address was delivered by the Country Director ICRISAT Nigeria Dr. Ignatius Angarawai. The welcome Address was delivered by the Director/CEO of Lake Chad Research Institute, Prof B.G.J. Kabir.

The meeting and workshop were declared opened by the Honorable Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Yobe State, Dr. Mairo Ahmed Amshi ably represented by the Director Agric Services Alhaji Yusuf Ibrahim Mohammed. During the meeting annual reports of research and extension activities from the Institute, the ADPs and other NARIs were presented and deliberated upon while the research and extension work plan were articulated. A total number of 202 persons attended the meeting and workshop.

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